The time I am spending on the World Wide Web has increased considerably in the last two months.
Google's Web history says that I have performed 320 searches in the month of June. And I am not even half way in July and I have already performed 232 searches on Google.
GOOGLE is one of the best things that happened to humanity. You think its an overstatement. No. Its not. If you ask me to rate the inventions of humans that has made the greatest impact in the way the world worked, this would be the order I would take.
1. Fire
2. Wheel
3. Electricity
4. Internet
5. Google
May be I am missing some more. Pardon my ignorance. I still remember the day I used Google for the first time. Altavista used to be my favorite search engine. And then one day I read about Google in the newspaper. But I ignored it completely. I used it only after my friend insisted on trying it. No looking back after that. I never used Altavista or for that matter any other search engine after that. I have been an ardent fan of Google since then and Google never dissappointed me. And I liked the way they worked. No promotion of their products. They count only on word of mouth. I have used almost all of their products and they never cease to amaze me. Gmail, Gtalk, Picasa, Google Desktop, Google docs, Google Sketchup, Google Analytics and all other products that they got by acquiring other companies, they are simply amazing. And they believe in making all of these products available to you for free. Its like I wait for them to launch a product so that I can flaunt it to my friends as if its my own. Started liking to be called GMan by my friends ;-).
Now, the latest one that's added in their armour is . Google likes to call it 'Hangout and 3D chat'. Its one of their 20% percent projects, they say. I expected it to be very slow just like, atleast with Indian Internet Speed Standards. But it was other way around. Its a fun way of chatting with total strangers and your friends. Waiting for Google to somehow figure out a way to integrate this with Gmail or Chat. That would change the schematics of WWW again.
check out Google's Latest experiments at this link
Happy Googling.